Our Mission
OUR mission is to provide elegant system compositions that streamline your work and foster a greater understanding and enjoyment of each task.
We focus on offering top-tier system implementation services for libraries and resource centers. Our system is designed to cater to libraries of all sizes, types, and locations. With 17 years of experience in the Malaysian market, we have built a strong reputation that we are dedicated to upholding. If your organization fits the criteria described here, we encourage you to review our detailed information and contact us through email or phone for additional support.
Our Company
The company is registered with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) and the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and certified as a Bumiputera Company. We specialize in providing Koha Library Solutions for all types of libraries. Our company offers expertise in various areas of library technology, including data migration, programming simple solutions, full library management system support, web and app design, and system integration. The Koha System offers cost-effective, efficient, and innovative engineering solutions for libraries. We also provide complete hosting services for the Koha ILS application and database in a dedicated and highly secure digital cloud space.
For more info :
Call: 013-9315761/013-5495513 OR Email : opensistem@yahoo.com (Mr. Akla Esmael Palawan)
Operating Offices :
- No.27-1, Jalan Wangsa Delima 5, D’ Wangsa, Wangsa Maju, 53300 KL
- 214, Lengkok Mahsuri, 11900 Bayan Baru, Pulau Pinang
Classics to Curiosities: Explore 70 Libraries!
- Kolej Laila Taib, Sarawak
- RECSAM Resource Centre Penang
- Penang Public Library, Mobile App
Discover the Power of Koha, the World’s First Open Source Library System
Koha is a comprehensive, scalable library management system. Its development is sponsored by libraries of different types and sizes, along with volunteers and support companies worldwide. The most recent version of the system is Koha 24.11.00 For further details and a demo, visit https://www.koha-community.org.
System Modules
An Integrated Library ;
- Cataloging and Authority [PENGKATALOGAN DAN FAIL KUASA]
- Circulation [SIRKULASI]
- Patron Management [PENGURUSAN PENGGUNA]
- Acquisition [PEROLEHAN BAHAN]
- Report & Statistics [LAPORAN DAN STATISTIK]
- System Administration & Tools [PENTADBIRAN SISTEM DAN TOOL]
System Features
- Fully Web-Based System – Access to system through a web browser
- Next Generation Digital Library System – Integration Bibliographic and digital collection development tools in a single application
- Cloud Computing Platform – Completely hosted solution with no software or hardware procurement required
- Enterprise Acquisition and Cataloging Functionality – Enhanced workflow tools for Technical Services
- Scalable Open Source Consortial Solution – Flexible circulation policy matrices support consortial resource sharing
- User Driven Development – Libraries worldwide control development of their toolset
- Flexible and Cost Effective – Fits any library’s needs at a price they can afford
- On/Off Switches – At a system preference level libraries choose the functionality to support their policies
- Fully Developed – All major modules are supported in production
- Open Relational Database – Can use any third party report writer to access data and create custom reports, as all data is fully accessible for reporting and exporting from the MySQL RDBMS
- Z39.50 Compliant – Full support for MARC21 format & RDA
Roadmap to Success: Implementation Plan
Plan A : Library on Cloud is a platform designed to host a library system on virtual servers. These virtual servers utilize computing resources from extensive networks of physical servers. This solution is suitable for all libraries and offers significant cost savings. The implementation of cloud computing technology allows libraries to pay incrementally, only for the resources they utilize. Moreover, it provides ease of installation and maintenance as there are no concerns about server updates or computing issues.
Plan B : Library on Your Network – hosts and manages a library system on physical servers within your network. This option is suitable for libraries with collections exceeding 50,000 items.
Plan C : A Library Consortium aims to share resources, knowledge, technology, and skills.
Services & Support
We are providing Supports and Services ;
- Koha System Consulting Services
- Library System Management & Consulting
- Koha Implementation Services
- Koha Hosting and Support Services
Why Support is necessary – as libraries have unique needs, the charge is only applicable to the support provided. What we provide is: .
- Saves time and cost
- Someone to rely on in case of any problem.
Services Includes ;
- Data migration/conversion and verification from CDS/ISIS, EXCEL, or any other software compatible with ISO 2709.
- Data cleaning & refining and testing & verification
- Tags, Fields and Subfield fixing and checking
- Retro Data Migration and Conversion for any types of Library
- Catalog Records Inputting
- Barcode labels printing & sticking
- Spine label printing & sticking
- Integration with any other application/system such as RFID, Document Management System, and Accounting System, etc.
Budget – RM4,500.00 / year
- Server Host on Cloud
- Server Services at 24/7
- Koha Modules ; Cataloging & Authority, Circulation & Users Management, Report & Statistics, Tools & OPAC
- On Site / Online Training
- Bibliographic & Patron Data Migration
- System Monitoring Regularly
- Catalogue less than 15,000 copies of books
- All records in MARC21 format
- Use of a myschool.libcat.my OR myschool.libsys.my domain
Unlimited Knowledge: How to Access the Library on Your Phone
We have developed Mobile Apps – that make it quick and easy to access your library. Library users are allowed to search the library’s catalogue, manage accounts, reserve library materials, renew borrowed materials, borrow books, and, most importantly, use their mobile phones as a user ID and for QR code functionality. All of these activities can be done within your Android and Apple mobile device.
Koha System: Orchestrating Accessible Libraries for All Budgets
Other Links
- Koha Malaysia on Blog
- Koha History – back to 2010
- Koha Malaysia on the Walls
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